FINANCIAL CENTRE FRANKFURT: Vienna & Frankfurt – Cosmopolitanism, Family Office, Asset Management & Schnitzel (INTERVIEW – Martin Friedrich, Lansdowne Partner Austria GmbH)

“In a city like Frankfurt, one finds oneself in a peculiar situation; ever-crossing strangers point to all corners of the world and awaken a desire to travel” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe). Vienna – Frankfurt – Vienna: Markus Hill spoke for FINANZPLATZ-FRANKFURT-MAIN.DE with Martin Friedrich, Lansdowne Partners Austria GmbH, about his private and professional impressions from 16 years in Frankfurt. Cosmopolitanism, investment banking, family office, fund management and schnitzel are some keywords of the exchange of ideas. (Event announcement SCOPE & FUND FORUM INTERNATIONAL – 8.6. & 16.6.2021).

Hill: Mr. Friedrich, you are Austrian and live in Vienna, but you also know Frankfurt very well. Where does that come from?

Friedrich: Well, I have spent most of my professional life in Frankfurt. I came to Germany in 2002 and worked in the Rhine/Main financial center for almost 16 years. During that time, the city has developed a lot. When my wife and I moved in in 2002, Germany was so badly affected by the international economic slump that it was considered the “sick man of Europe.” I also remember that it was practically impossible to buy anything on the weekend, as most shops closed Saturday around noon. Even many restaurants often were closed on Sundays.
Today, Frankfurt is a completely different city. It has become much more open to the world, we have made friends who really come from all over the world. Unfortunately, everything is closed at the moment, but before the lock-down I enjoyed taking part in life in Frankfurt and appreciated not only the opportunities for professional development, but also the sports and leisure activities on offer.

Hill: Why did you originally come to Frankfurt? What later drew you back home?

Friedrich: Before I came to Frankfurt, I had worked in London, for the U.S. investment bank Morgan Stanley. The immediate reason for my move was purely professional: at the time, it was decided that my occupation, looking after fund managers in Germany, could be better handled from Frankfurt. So I followed my job, literally. The situation was not unlike was is happening today due to Brexit, it just took place 20 years earlier.
Years later, upon leaving Morgan Stanley, I worked for a multi-family office in Bad Homburg, HQ Trust. Of course, I count the pleasant time I spent there as one of my Frankfurt years, especially since it was also, from a professional point of view, an excellent preparation for the move to Vienna. The primary motivation was, once again, professional: Lansdowne Partners Austria offered me the opportunity to launch my own fund based on the investment strategy I developed.

Martin Friedrich, Lansdowne Partners Austria GmbH
Martin Friedrich, Lansdowne Partners Austria GmbH

Hill: Where did you like to spend your time in Frankfurt the most? What are your fondest memories?

Friedrich: Three places come to mind: first, of course, we really enjoyed the range of good restaurants; sitting on the terrace of the old opera house on a beautiful summer evening, for example. We also often went to the Austrian restaurant on Weißadlergasse, Salzkammer – it’s just a stone’s throw from Goethe-Haus and serves excellent Austrian cuisine!
On weekends, we often hiked the Feldberg; as Austrians, we are automatically drawn to the mountains, it seems. I remember that once every winter, there was always a dog sled race around the Feldberg. I thought that was very nice.
Finally, I don’t want to hide the fact that I am a passionate golfer. And the Frankfurt Golf Club – which turned 100 years old in 2013 – is truly a jewel. Standing there on the 18th tee and enjoying the view of the skyline has always been something special for me.

Hill: Thank you very much for the interview.

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